China's Role in Bible Prophecy

"Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates and its water was dried up, so that the way of the kings from the East might be prepared." (Rev. 16:12)

China's Rise to Power

The global balance of power is rapidly shifting, with the United States' role as the only superpower declining as other nations like China, Russia, and Europe gradually replace its status. China, in particular, has experienced a rapid rise to power in recent times, as evidenced by a multitude of statistics. 

While America and big European powers reduce their defense spending, China is expected to maintain the past decade's increase in defense spending of about 12% per year. China is on course to become the world's largest military spender in about 20 years. Its army is already estimated to contain about 2.5 million soldiers, making it the world's largest standing army. China also has the world's second-largest navy, and it employs sophisticated precision weapons and high-tech information and communications technology. In 2008, while global arms spending rose by 4 percent, China's grew by 10 percent to an estimated $84.9 billion.

China's economy has also experienced tremendous growth, with its per capita GDP rising from $439 in 1950 to $7,578 in 2014, making it the world's second-largest economy after the US. After 35 years of almost uninterrupted growth, China has moved from being the world's tenth-biggest economy to becoming number two. China is also the majority holder of the US's debt, and its economic power has the potential to cripple the US with just a single click.

In addition to its economic and military power, China is the world's second-largest consumer of oil, with proven reserves of about half that of the US. Experts predict that China will surpass the US as the world's largest spender on oil and natural gas in the next 15 years. China's high growth rate, low labor costs, and emerging market have attracted the world's highest levels of direct foreign investment. Its population of 1.3 billion is the largest on Earth, representing one-fifth of the world's people. By 2025, China is projected to have the world's largest middle class.

China's Role in Bible Prophecy

The emergence of China as a major global player has led some to speculate about its prophetic role in the end times. From a biblical perspective, there are two possible prophecies concerning China in the end times.

The first is the Battle of Armageddon, prophesied in Revelation 16:12-16. This is a monumental battle that takes place at the end of the Tribulation period, with "kings from the East" leading a vast army into Israel. While China is not explicitly mentioned as one of the "kings of the East," its military strength, economic power, and large population make it a probable member of this confederation. In recent years, China's aggressive actions on the global stage, including its attempts to claim Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the Spratly Islands, as well as its mistreatment of Chinese Christians, add to the likelihood of its involvement in this battle.

The second prophecy that possibly concerns China is found in Revelation 9:16, which mentions "the number of mounted troops was 200 million." Currently, China is the only nation with the capability of equipping such an enormous army. In addition, the description of the army's weapons and the scale of destruction they cause (Rev. 9:17-19) may indicate the use of modern weapons of mass destruction, which China is known to possess. However, it is important to note that there is also the possibility that this army is a demonic force rather than a human army, and thus not specifically tied to China's involvement.


The emergence of a Far East nation with ambitions to become a military superpower, alongside the Russian bloc and Western Alliance, is unlikely to be a mere coincidence. As we continue to witness the shifting balance of power on the world stage, the relevance and accuracy of biblical prophecy are once again affirmed.